Methane gas just the latest in climate worries

It seems like every month, there is fresh news about how fast climate change is occurring. Last month, a large chunk of Antarctica melted. Before that there were new warnings from scientists that pretty much said that if we don't get out acts together and make some real changes to emissions production in the next 10 years, the planet will begin to die.

Now we learn that methane gas in the atmosphere, which already spiked beginning in 2007, has been rising even higher since 2014. Terrifying, isn't it? Yet, most still walk in denial.

I don't know why people continue to bring children into the world, amid the uncertainty. We all know humans don't tend to take action until crisis mode is reached. What will that look like with climate change? In 20 years, will we live in heat with staggeringly poor air quality, no matter where we are? Will there be food shortages? Earthquakes and extreme weather everywhere? Other factors that we can't even imagine?

I am guessing yes to all of the above.

What are you doing to prepare? Where will you go to escape?


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